Over the top

The phrase "over the top" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few common definitions: 1. Excessive or exaggerated: Used to describe something that is done in an excessive, exaggerated, or extravagant manner. It can refer to a person's behavior, style, or actions that go beyond what is considered normal or necessary. Example: "Her birthday party was completely over the top with a red carpet, live entertainment, and extravagant decorations." 2. Unreasonably extreme: Implies that something goes beyond what is reasonable, acceptable, or necessary. It can also refer to a situation or event that is intense, dramatic, or extraordinary. Example: "The movie's special effects were so over the top that it became unrealistic and lost its credibility." 3. Crossing boundaries or limits: Indicates that someone has gone beyond the acceptable limits or boundaries of a situation or action. Example: "His comments during the meeting were offensive and completely over the top." Overall, the phrase "over the top" typically describes something that is excessive, exaggerated, or beyond what is considered normal or reasonable.

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